Polydome customer photo competition

grapes1We are looking for photos of customer’s Glasshouses and Polytunnels in use – inside and/or outside shots.  The ideal photos will be taken in sunshine (hopefully our summer will return) and be attractive images that promote the structure and the use of it.  They should be one mb in size or larger.

They can be with or without people in the shots and images of the interior will ideally show lots of healthy prospering plants (flowering or fruiting) as well as the Greenhouse or Polytunnel in which they are in.

We will really appreciate customers participating because we have lots of photos of Glasshouses and Polytunnels immediately after construction but very few that show the Greenhouse or Polytunnel after it has settled in and been in use.  To show our appreciation, everyone who participates before the end of September will be entitled to a 30% discount off their next accessories purchase (to be redeemed before the end of the year, limit of €1,000 order value).  We will use any of these photos as a resource going forward to show prospective customers what your type of Greenhouse or Polytunnel looks like and a selected few may be used in promotional things such as advertisements and brochures.

We will select the best images and show them in our blog on our website and with permission acknowledge the participants.  Each of these participants will receive an additional voucher for €50 to spend on accessories.

Please get snapping and send your images by email to jonathan@polydome.ie or send on a CD or DVD to:

Jonathan Pyle



Crinkill House


County Offaly


Glad to say today we are already receiving entries on day one of the competition.

Photo attached courtesy of Christophe Mouze, (Clare Island Retreat Centre)