We recovered one of our Verticlair Polyunnels from Filclair, I think this photo is lovely. As well as manufacturing Polytunnels we are agents for Filclair from France who we source Multispan structures from. The Verticlair has straight sides and this particular structure has a fully automatic roll up side ventilation system. A great Polytunnel cannot make a good gardener out of you put it is a tool that a good gardener can do great growing with.
Category: Photo Gallery
Growing tips for Tomatoes
Everyone with a polytunnel or glasshouse is tempted to grow tomatoes – and why not? They taste so much better when picked just before eating. Here are a few tips for the best crops.
Choose well-flavoured varieties like Shirley or Alicante. Some traditional varieties like Moneymaker are insipid. If you are buying plants, look for healthy ones about 20cm tall. Yellow leaves indicate poor feeding or cultivation and bluish or purplish leaves indicate chilling: such plants will take time to recover and crop later. Drawn, leggy plants will be the same.
If planting in the soil try to have the plants in slight hollows rather than on top of mounds, so water will soak in rather than run away. Water them in well, and let the ground surface dry off between waterings. Vine tomatoes need support: if using canes put them in before the plants to avoid root damage. Strings are better than canes for plants in grow-bags. Cherry tomatoes are wide and bushy plants, so give them plenty of room to spread.
Feed the plants with high-potash feed as per the instructions, starting when the first fruits appear. Tie in the growing vines to canes or wind the support strings around them regularly, as stems are hard to train when they thicken up. Hook very long trusses up on themselves or higher leaf-stems to keep them up from mud and slugs.
Break out sideways any side-shoots growing from the angles between leaf-stems and the main stem. Snap off upwards any dying bottom leaves to let light and air around the fruit. Bush tomatoes need no training. Pick a tomato by thumbing down on the knuckle just above it while twisting the fruit upwards. The green oil on tomato plants is irritant; wash your hands with soap and water afterwards.
Peter Whyte B Agr Sc (Hort), Nat Dip Sc (Apic), Dip Tr & Ed, MI Hort
New Doors on our Display Tunnel
We have installed double sliding doors on our 5.5m wide Display Tunnel. They look great and overcome issues hinged doors can have on windy sites. A strong magnet keeps the two doors together when closed. More new products coming on stream shortly and as well as our 4 Polytunnels on display we now have 11 Glasshouses so far up as well.
Greenhouse Display Area Progress
Glad to say our Greenhouse Display area is progressing well. We have 9 Glasshouses and 4 Polytunnels up so far with more to come in the coming weeks and months. Our plan will be over time to develop the area to show not only the huge range of Greenhouses and Polytunnels we do but also giving examples of how they can be laid out, which is a question we are often asked by customers. We will also over time kit out many of the Greenhouses and Polytunnels with all sorts of accessories to demonstrate their use, so our display area will not just be for visitors wanting to buy a Glasshouse but a destination for proud owners of Greenhouses wishing to enhance and utilize their investment to its full potential. Our display area is open from 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Saturday (closed for a well deserved break between 1 and 2pm). Why not phone and make an appointment to ensure a specialist for the product you are interested in is available and minimize your waiting time.
Display area progressing
After a busy spell of servicing orders with no time available to get our own Greenhouses up, we have finally had a window of opportunity to go at our own display area. We have built the frames of four more Greenhouses bringing the total to 8 so far on display as well as 4 Polytunnels. In the coming weeks we will complete these models and add a few more that we have in stock. It is great to see some growth now with the newly laid lawns giving a lovely green carpet – so it is out with the mower tonight.

Ireland’s leading Greenhouse Supplier
High Quality Greenhouses for Sale in Ireland
Polydome.ie sells the largest selection of greenhouses in Ireland and have been supplying Glasshouses for 18 years and Polytunnels for 27 years. We have full time employed Greenhouse constructors and you know when you deal with us that you are talking to someone who knows what they are about. We supply the following greenhouse types,Toughened glass greenhouses. Horticulture glass greenhouses, Polycarbonate greenhouses Lean to Greenhouses, Dwarf wall greenhouses, Large Greenhouses and small Greenhouses, We have aluminium framed greenhouses ,ceder wood greenhouses,Dwarf glass greenhouse, and wooden greenhouses Greenhouse as well as small to large size in all Greenhouses mentioned. We also are one of the top suppliers of Polytunnels.
Polydome.ie has it all from the Hobby greenhouse enthusiasts to professional growers.
We stock Europa Manor Greenhouses, Eden Greenhouses, Elite Greenhouses and Janssens Greenhouses as well as supplying Growhouse Greenhouses and Griffin Glasshouses to order.
Based in the midlands we deliver to all 32 counties using our own transport, but can courier if required to provide a faster lead time like 2 days.
Polydome.ie provides a full range of greenhouse accessories including staging, Glasshouse heaters, propagators and greenhouse benches.
Polydome Greenhouses offer the highest levels of expertise and back up service to their customers thanks to vast experience over many years.
Newest addition to our Display Area

The Perfect Gift
Its that time of year again, if your anything like me, then its safe to say that you have at least, another 4 days before you even consider starting the christmas shop. However if you are planning ahead, why not cosider one of our Christmas gift cards as an option. It can used on Accessories, Polytunnels, Glasshouses or any stock item. Gift cards are valued for 12 months.
So why not put the spring in someone step this christmas and give them a Polydome Greenhouse Giftcard.
Livestock Tunnels and More.
Gone are the days when people only associate polytunnels with gardening. They now have many more benefits and uses. For example in the agricultural setting, as livestock tunnels, or the landscaping sector as canopies for cover machinery or to during outdoor events in bad weather.
As tunnels are very versatile and quick to construct, It makes them the perfect option. The added extra is there are relatively cost effective in comparison to more permanent structures. The unique climate of a tunnel also has many benefits, bright, warm and with lots of room to move around. With some tunnels up to 9m in width, this give lots of options to set the inside of a tunnel up in many different fashions.
So the next time you wish to cover something, be it sheep, cows, chickens, machinery or even just the clothes line, then why not consider a tunnel.
Please call us we would be happy to offer any advised we would have.
Wind and Greenhouses
I just heard that it has been the windiest May on record since they started taking records. And even yet as i look out my office window i can see that the weather still has not really settled as much as one would expect for this time of year.
Never the less, listening to the weather forecast this morning it appears that things might be looking up coming into next week.
So why do i need to worry about my greenhouse if its windy outside. Well hear is a prime example.

Before looking into getting a greenhouse remember to think carefully about its location, its use, and its strength. If you take glasshouses as an example to highlight the importance of this. Say a 6′ x 8′ aluminium finish with horticultural glass. It may cost between €500 and €650 depending on the brand. Sounds like a bargin, but normally glasshouses in this price range are designed for very sheltered gardens. If its located in a windy garden, then it may end up like the glasshouse in the photo. Although it was a cheap buy, its an expensive loss.
So shop around, view the products where possible and remember a cheap bargain is not always the best buy.